Display Homes For Sale
Whether a display home has been on our lot for a couple years, or we’re wanting to bring in something new, a lot model for sale is offered at a discount relative to what it would have sold for at the time we purchased it. Take a look at our current display homes for sale to see how you can save.
DM display 5 - for sale at discount
WISCONSIN HOMES / modular / 1,568 sq ft
The homes below were ordered, but the customers had issues late in the process and were canceled. Unfortunately, for us it was too late in the process to cancel the homes at the factory. So now have the homes that are originally ordered and built, ready to sell at a discount. Please contact us if you are interested in getting more information on this home. The homes are located at our Iowa Falls location.
IF Display 9
Rochester / Modular / 1600 sq ft
if display 3
Ritz-Craft / Modular / 1800 sq ft
Pre-Owned Homes
In addition to our new lot models for sale and custom-built homes by order, we buy and sell pre-owned homes that are in excellent condition. Take a look at what we have in stock below.
We currently do not have any pre-owned homes for sale.